Saturday, January 29


Growing up in Alabama, we didn't have a lot of snow. Sure, we knew a lot about humidity, and red clay, and great big old frogs, and lots of rain. Heck, sometimes it felt like rain when it wasn't -- it was so humid.
The first snow I remember was so small that the grass still stuck through it. When Mama told us to bring in some clean snow to make "snow ice cream," we had to scrape it off the sliding board on our gym set in the back yard. She added some cream and sugar and we discovered that sweet treat. We built the best snow man possible with an inch of snow, and gladly ran in when Mama called us for cocoa.
Moving to Virginia as a young adult, I discovered the real pleasures of snow. On one occasion, we got 17 inches of snow -- that was a lot even for that area -- and the kids and I built a snow dragon in the front yard. He was about 4 feet long and had a scaled tail that curved around in front of him. It was great.
Now I'm a grandmother with a child in the house once again, and we are expecting snow today. Only 3 inches is expected, but, hey, it's snow. We have stacked logs on the front porch for a good fire. I've located mittens and boots to make for a quick run to The Pit for sledding, and have a pot of potato soup on the stove.
Now that I'm older, I've seen "real" snow and I have the snow plans down to a science.

No snow, however big, will ever be as exciting as that first snow in Alabama.

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