It was one of the best lunches I ever had. "So..." Little One began. "I'd like to take you out to lunch for your birthday. You pick the place."
"How can you afford to take me out to lunch?" I asked. "My dog-sitting money," she replied. I ran a fast calculation in my head. Sure, the senior citizens down the street give her $2 a day to walk little Gracie, but even at that...
"WHAT?!" She is so dead.
"So, pick your place."
I thought of several, none too much to her liking. I even suggested a not-burger at Burger King, to save on her cash. She dismissed the idea. Finally I suggested Olive Garden. She likes OG, and they serve a mean salad. She loved the idea.
We were driving to nearby-big-city to have her hair straightened. We go every 4 months or so. We usually make a day of it anyway, though it is usually I who treats her to lunch.
The beauty shop was not busy at all today, and we finished up in a record hour-and-a-half. Nothing like the normal four-hour marathons we're used to.
Not even thinking, I greeted the hostesses at Olive Garden with the same salutation I'd given everyone else today: "Happy Birthday!"
There was a bevvy of them -- four or five high school or early college girls, and one guy.
When they looked with puzzled faces, LO announced, "It's her birthday!"
"How old?" one of them asked.
"It's a prime number!" I winked at them.
"25?" asked one. sigh.
"51?" guessed a blonde. sigh.
"51 isn't prime-- it adds up to 6!" I replied. "Any number whose digits add up to 3, 6, or 9, is divisible by 3!"
"Are you a math teacher?" she asked.
Er, no, I just like numbers. I even calculate my change without a calculator...
So we were taken to a booth but alas, not offered anything for free.
LO ordered her favorite, Fettucini Alfredo. I asked for Endless Salad. I asked if the House Vignaigrette is vegan-friendly, and was surprised to learn it has milk in it. (I think it had it a few months ago on the assumption it would be safe. Oops me.)
We played a game of gin as we waited with my handy teeny deck of cards. I keep it in my bag for just such an occasion. She beat me. Twice.
So I had Endless Salad with balsamic vinegar and LO had the fettucini with minestrone as her appetizer. When the waitress served her a salad instead of the soup, LO was confused as to how to handle it. "Am I not paying for my soup?" she asked me. Odd how spending her own money gave her a new perspective on things.
We had a great discussion on getting what you pay for while thinking of the feelings of others. I left it to her to handle -- she, after all, was footing the bill.
When the waitress came by to ask how everything was, LO said, "Remember when I ordered the minestrone?" with a smile. And the waitress did remember, albeit a little late, and hurried some soup to LO's place. I was proud of her poise in taking care of it.
Another server came to grate cheese on LO's fettucini. She grated and grated. Finally, when Mount Romano stood proudly on LO's entree, she innocently asked, "Was I supposed to say, 'when'?" We all had a good laugh.
LO was a tad disappointed when I declined dessert. She wanted one only so they would sing to me. So she ordered a great chocolate tart with warm chocolate sauce inside, with vanilla sauce and strawberries on the outside. It looked great. They plunked a candle on it in my honor and sang away. It was hugely embarrassing but lots of fun.
On the ride home we hooked LO's iPod up to my car stereo and listened to her music and her podcasts. I felt privileged to have her share with me.
We arrived to a clean house. DH had gotten flowers, dark chocolate (anything else is tripe!) grapes, and organic Merlot. And a lovely card.
Family called and wished me a happy birthday. My cup ran over.
This evening he cooked me the grandest dinner. Toasted sourdough with tapenade. Brown rice with sauteed asparagus and leeks on top. Tahini topping. Broiled heirloom tomatoes with vegan pepper jack "cheese" melted on top.
Sigh. It was heavenly. There is more left for tomorrow.
We are going to watch Legends of the Fall tonight (again) -- on our new Surround Sound system.
So, I am a prime number for a whole year -- and it's NOT 25 or 51. It was a great day.
Happy Birthday to me.
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