Sunday, October 7

Eat like Kings

While looking for the Far Side cartoon today's entry references, I found this quote:
"My very favorite Far Side cartoon depicts two spiders at either
end of a spider web they built across the bottom of a playground slide. One
spider says to the other 'If we pull this off, we'll eat like kings!' It still
makes me laugh out loud."

What the person did not mention was the fat little kid cresting the slide at the moment.

I have to describe it here because Far Side cartoon archives are no longer available online; many speculate it's because they aren't syndicated anymore and they prefer that you pay for the page-a-day calendars and such.

That cartoon came to mind today, however, when I took our toothless shredder to the garbage. When I opened the lid, there in all its glory:

And another shot:

Isn't this brilliant? She had to have worked all night! Fortunately she left a small opening in the corner just big enough for me to get my refuse into the container without disturbing her trap.

She is ready to eat like a king!

While reflecting on the futility of her work, it came to mind how often I have made just the same mistake. The only universe I have seen at times is the one readily visible to my eye. I am entirely unaware that outside my range of vision is a whole world of which I am unaware. So I develop a detailed plan, work hard to implement it, and wait patiently, not quite understanding why I am not "eating like a king."
Now that I think of it, I believe I'll go scoop her out so she won't starve to death.

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