Tuesday, January 9

#31 Flu

Not long after returning home from a lovely birthday getaway, I came down with the FLU.
The main symptom is that my back feels like a bus ran over it. I have almost voice, and a very yucky cough. Sounds like years of nicotine down there. (Although there is not.)
I tried to proceed with life the first day, but on the second day, my sweet hubby wrapped me up in a blanket burrito on the living room couch and I pretty much stayed there for two days. Today I have been up and down.
Fortunately we had a backlog of recordings on the DVR and I've been able to catch up and clean up the storage.
I feel lucky a) I'm not missing work somewhere, b) hubby is a good nurse, and c) we have a warm and comfy home.
Today I feel like I'm somewhere between 60-70% myself. Tomorrow I'm sure to surpass 80.

Friday, January 5

#30 A Very Happy Birthday

My sweet hubby invited me to the Grove Park Inn for my birthday, a 100-year old hotel atop a mountain in my favorite city, Asheville, NC.
We spent most of our time in rocking chairs by the mammoth stone fireplaces in the lobby, doing many of my favorite things: talking to each other, talking to strangers, or reading the paper. The second day I read three newspapers: the WSJ, NYT, and USA Today.
We left Tuesday afternoon with the intent of returning home on Wednesday but Wednesday morning he turned to me and said, “you wanna stay an extra day??” Of course the answer was an enthusiastic Yes so there we were.
We had a lovely time, ate at my favorite restaurants, and generally hung out. The fire was delicious.we watched the bellmen (and women) tend the fire, all but standing upright in the tall hearth.