Thursday, November 22

Thanksgiving, continued..

DS1 arrived last night at the home of DS2 and his fam, bringing his DW and 2 babies. Long trip! Their trip from NYC to DC was supposed to take only 4 hrs, while ours from NC to DC took 6. He chose, however, to take ANY highway other than I-95, so he went by way of Hershey, PA. On a trip from NYC to DC. Somewhere around Philly, his 1-yr-old son projected vomitus all over the rental car, so DS and DDIL had to pull off, go to a WalMart, (yes, my kids shop at WalMart) and BUY the stuff to clean the car...and then had to clean the car, the kids, yuck.

Today we have 6 kids and 6 adults all doing different things, the Macy's parade on the TV, our dog and DS2's bearded collie, all in this lovely home. It's noisy, frenetic, and filled with love.

If you are having a crazy Thanksgiving somewhere, perhaps it will make you feel better to envision being 6 months pregnant, in the dark, madly cleaning a rental car, 200 miles from home, 200 miles from your destination, with tired and pukey kids. It's all a matter of perspective.

Last night I promised DGS3 I would play Connect Four "in the morning." Before any coffee this morning, he reminded me of our promise. Both of us clambered over the baby-gates on the stairwell and went up to the sanctity of his room for the game. He already had it out on his floor. We were assembling the structure when he calmly announced, "Nana Maggie, it might be a long game. The bottom piece that keeps all the parts inside is broken."


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