Sunday, August 30

63 Days til Election

With only 63 days to election, and only a week to Labor Day, things are heating up in the Blackwell household!

Although we filed for office in July, the campaign "proper" doesn't start in earnest until Labor Day, which is only a week away. Yikes! Here we go! I have that feeling you get at the start of a major roller coaster. What is in store for me on this ride?

In a town where the incumbents rarely have opposition, we have one encumbent stepping down, and a hearty field of 9 new candidates jockeying for his place. Yet the whole council could be ousted, as our local election is "at large," with the top five vote-getters being elected to council. Once elected, the new council appoints the mayor and mayor pro-tem. By tradition, but not by law, they select the person with the most votes for mayor and #2 for mayor pro-tem. But this tradition has never been broken. With a total of 13 candidates for 5 positions, it does indeed promise to be a wild ride.

I've already been overwhelmed by generous donors. By patient mentors. By encouraging friends, and encouraging strangers, who, oddly, know my name but I don't know them.

I've met neighborhood leaders, pastors, police officers, teachers, retired folks, and young folks.

I've attended conferences, meetings, committees, and neighborhood groups -- all in an effort to educate myself on the issues facing every corner of the city..

Some issues I hear over and over. Some are particular to one case or another. What I have learned is that folks are passionate about their city, and they all are eager to talk about it.

If you haven't dropped by my campaign website, take a minute to do so: It's going to be a wild ride!

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