Tuesday, May 31

A Sunday to Remember in NY

On Sunday, we headed south to Ferry Station to meet Elder Son and DIL and darling grandbaby. She is oh, so, beautiful and charming, and I am sure, true to her parents, huge in the cranium as well. I could not wait to hold her. But wait I did, through Wall Street and Courthouses and South Street Seaport. Finally, finally, in the SSS Mall Food Court, she was unleashed from the darkest recesses of her buggy and into my waiting Nana arms.
She fit.
And she gurgled and cooed for me, and smiled. Her smile lit a star in my heart. It's still warm, a day later.
Thank you, God, for answering prayer.
So, after SSS, the 5 of us ventured across the Brooklyn Bridge, and wimps that we are, took the subway back. Too late, they realized, "This is our stop!" and they hopped off before I could get one last kiss from DGB or give one more hug to ES and DIL. Waving good-bye through the etched window of the subway car, desolate gestures.
After all that, Little One and I continued to Washington Square where we saw the coolest street performers and she played in the playground with children who actually live here. Walked through East Village and stopped in deli for cheese, fruit and bread for supper. Took the *bus* back to Washington Heights (mistake) and arrived back at apt after 9pm.
Note to self. Return before dark. Hastening through the streets with her hand clutched in mine, I noticed I was the only woman out after dark. Brr.
Today was all fun. Lunch and shopping at the American Girl Place. VERY nicely done. I recommend this place to anyone with a girl in the family between 4 and maybe 11 yrs old. They had a conversation game on the table at lunch; one of the questions was, "What is your happiest summer memory?" and Little One said, "Just . . . this."
Went halfway up the Empire State Bldg when she changed her mind. Back down the Empire State Bldg and into the gift shop for postcards.
Back to apt to rest and out again to nearby kosher deli/bakery for light supper. Played with dolls, read books, ran downstairs to wash laundry. She is snoring and I am right behind her.
---Goodnight, new and darling grandbaby. I'm in love. ---

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