Friday, July 21

It has been such a busy but good week. Little Dog got a summertime buzz and looks like white velveteen. She is not sure what to think of losing all her hair -- has she lost her strength? but it sure looks cute and must be cooler. Not to mention NO mats! Fleas *love* white -- are they nearsighted? is white easier to spot? -- and although we administer the flea-killing drops on her, they still jump on and take that one lethal bite -- lethal to them, not her -- before succombing to the poison in her bloodstream. She always jumps a mile when they bite. Then she looks around at her butt as if to say, What was that? Gross. Anyhoo, she looks great.

Sanded the hallway floors this week, too.. puttied up any and all cracks last night and sanded that down early this morning. Soon as we cook breakfast, I am vacuuming and damp mopping ... then.... staining and first coat of poly!! We have been to Lowe's this week EVERY DAY and last night, well this morning at 1am, I was dismayed to realize I have only enough poly for ONE coat. So it's back to Lowe's today. sigh. Little One says, "I hate Lowe's. It's the boringest place ever." I believe she could draw the floorplan herself.

Rearranged the LR and DR this week. Our mother used to rearrange furniture when our father went out of town. Legend has it that he came home from one trip, got up in the night, walked to the closet and peed on his shoes. The bed used to face the other way and he thought he was in the bathroom. Me, I believe it, but I think there are those who don't.

Little One lost her cross at the Y at the other end of the county and they just called to say they found it. So today in addition to going to Lowe's, doing the floor, packing for a swim meet, and getting on the road, we have to drive out to get the cross. And we have to finish her bday party invitations and get them in the mail. Oh, and I have to get the slides done for church. OK, I have to go now and get started.

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