Monday, July 3


It's been forever since I have blogged -- it has not been for lack of the wanting! We have been sososo busy the last few weeks, that the little downtime I have had has truly been down time.

DH took off last week to be musician / storyteller at Vacation Bible School -- his first experience working at a VBS, ever. I believe I can truly say it was a great week for him. He shared stories in the evening of walking through the nursery and playing lullabyes that hushed the crying babies; of toddlers sitting rapt as he shared the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den; of little ones knowing the answers the next day.

I was upstairs doing art with 5-and-unders, down to 2's. We had 30+ 5's, TWO classes of 4's 20+ in each class, 28 3's, and 11 2's. VBS was not technically open to 2's but the teachers who had 2-yr-olds were allowed to bring them. Counting all the school-age kids, we had the largest VBS ever this year, with an average of 220 and a high day of 260 on Wednesday. Over 120 adults & teens helped this year. It was the first time we utilized the new building for VBS and boy was it nice.

It was Little One's last year to attend VBS as a participant. Next year as a middle-schooler she will help rather than attend as a student. She looks forward to being a helper in the 2 or 3-yr-old class. She wants to do that instead of helping me in Art as she wants to be with the littles all morning long.

The following pics are of the closing program on Friday night. DH was in the beginning stages of a wicked stomach virus and ran for the men's room as soon as it was over. Note the size of the crowd. The theme of the week was "The Race for Faith." The musicians wore shirts borrowed from Team Chevrolet, and the race drivers' jumpsuits were on loan from one of those big NASCAR drivers, although I hesitate to say which one as they all run together for me. The set had two cardboard racecars named "Dupray," (say it out loud) and "Yalltel" (Y'all tell others about Jesus.) In the photos, the group were singing and celebrating the closure of a great week.

Dr. D is always the calm spot no matter what the environment.

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