Saturday, November 18

Catch a Falling Star

Tomorrow night the meteor shower Leonid is going to be in full show at about 11:45 ET in the western hemisphere.

I marked it on the calendar and remembered three years ago when we saw it in its full glory.

Serina was with us that year, and the best time for viewing was said to be 2:30 am. I got up at 2 and made a pot of hot cocoa and spread piles of quilts in the back yard. We had tucked the girls in in their best warmest footed jammies, and we woke them and carried them to the back yard.

It was amazing how awake they got. The four of us lay there snuggled under a heap of quilts, on top of more quilts, and saw a million zillion "falling stars." We made wishes til we ran OUT of wishes to make. It was really cold. We came in, drank our cocoa and went back to bed.

It was sort of a magical night. We'll get up tomorrow night, too, but somehow it can never be as magical as that night was.

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