Friday, March 13

Gray day

It's a cold and rainy day, to be followed by another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another beyond that.

We had 3 blissful verdant days of sun and 70-degree weather. I thought this crap was over.

I have realized that as I age, I am more and more dependent on the sunshine for a steady mood. Hold on, Maggie, it's gonna be a loong week.

I had begun refinishing two pieces of furniture this week, and have only the final coat to go. They are locked safely in the outbuilding awaiting another sunny day.

Yesterday, in addition to the rain, I had another problem. I. have. lost. parts. of. my. novel.

Then as I was leaving the friendly neighborhood grocery, the little twerp of a checkout girl (hasn't she gained weight?) said, "Well, ma'am, you saved $3.40 on coupons and $2.62 on your senior discount.


Yep, it's gonna be a long week.

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