Wednesday, September 16

Running for Office with a Teenager in the House

At first, I thought LO would be all gung-ho, helping me on the campaign.

When that didn't happen, I thought she would be all embarrassed. Why can't you be like other parents, and all that.

When that didn't happen, either, I realized you just can't predict this one. She's her own person, and that's that. I just accept whatever the MOD (mood of the day) is, and roll on.

So I was somewhat surprised, and more than a little pleased, last night at PTA when we saw a not-too-close neighbor.

"My Nana's running for City Council," LO said. "And she would appreciate your vote."

Afterwards, she saw me staring at her with my mouth gaping just a teeny bit.

"What?" she said. "You forgot to say it."

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