Monday, September 21

She Sat and LOOKED at the Cookie

A year or so ago, our 10-year-old dog began NOT responding when I called her in.

First thing every morning, I let her run out in the yard to peepee. In the fall, spring and summer, I stand on the porch. I water my flowers, bring in the paper, pull a weed.

In the winter, I stand in the LR and watch Little Dog through the window.

After she is finished relieving herself, she likes to wander the yard and smell the smells. We get a good bit of foot traffic here in the Avenues, and it's my understanding that everyone who walks down our sidewalk leaves a teensy business card of odor along the way. I can't smell it, but LD can.

But I have other things to accomplish in the early morning. I have to fix breakfast. Dress. Do my hair. Make coffee. Wind the clocks. Take my vitamin. Take LO to school.

So I call her in. A year ago, as I said, she started not coming. I would call. I would clap my hands. I would say her name peppy--I would say it loudly--I would call it sing-song. She hummed along, sniffing the grass or the sidewalk. Was she ignoring me? or had she lost her hearing? I determined to find out.

So I bought dog cookies. We weren't in the habit of giving her treats at the time, so I surveyed the offering at the store, and selected Bac'n Beggin' Strips. Flavored with cheese.

It wasn't her hearing.

Now when she finishes up, she runs to the door. Sits on the mat and waits for me. Smiles.
The funny thing is, she and the cats are demonstrating Learned Behavior.
When LD comes promptly, I tell her, "Good Girl!"
So now, she thinks, "good girl" means, cookie.
Of course, she knows, "Cookie" means, cookie.

When LD goes out in the morning, the cats cluster by the front door, waiting for her to finish up. As she comes in and runs to the kitchen, they run with her.

You see, some months ago, I felt badly for them. She gets a cookie. They did not.

So I bought Kitty Cookies.

Now, All God's Children get cookies after LD peepees.

They all run to the kitchen and prowl around beside the cupboard where I keep the cookies.

Little Dog has to sit as I get the cookies out. When I have one in my hand, I ask her to Sit Up.

She does.

Today, I dropped her cookie. She was sitting, waiting, as usual.

She remained sitting, and looked at the cookie. Then she looked at me. The cats stopped their circling and looked at me.

This isn't how we do it, they were thinking.

So of course, I petted her, held up the cookie, and gave it to her.

Good dog.

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