Tuesday, June 13

Pics as Promised

I believe I have raved about our Parks & Rec Dept here before. If not, consider myself raving now. All 4 P&R managers came to the Centennial Celebration on Saturday (Saturday!) and one of them took a zillion pics while there. She emailed me to the effect that she had burned 4 or 5 CDs of the pics and wanted to deliver them to my house for my enjoyment and to share with my friends, where do I live so she can drop them by? >>>I call that *service*.

I (finally) got the email -- we have been incommunicado for acouple of days due to switching to TW Cable for phone/ISP/digital cable and she ran them by today. The CD has 126 pics on it, all of them good. Posting some below. Happy viewing...

Little One and her DGF selling drinks

SmallTown's finest. Thanks for coming, guys.

This is a Fine Art. This gal's dad is the one who donated his land for Phases II and III of the park. The land he donated is the part with the creek, a very cool portion of the park design.

This child is one of four generations of a family who all live in the neighborhood. Isn't he gorgeous? He helped break ground for the park, symbolizing "Family," one of the values of the neighborhood. He is only 2 but boy, he knew how to dig. Only an hour earlier he was at the DocinaBox being diagnosed with an ear infection. I knew he was better when I asked about his ear and he could only point to the fire trucks. Check out the pic of him digging in.

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