Friday, August 24

New Project

Those of you who know us, and who else would be reading this boring blog, know that we take a sort of perverse pride in our making silk purses from sow's ears. Like the kitchen sink we found in the woods 10 years prior to going and asking if we could have it for our kitchen. Like the vintage stove we found on Craig's List and got for a fraction of market value. The island DH made by recycling our old cabinets from 1933. And on, and on.

Well today we have a new treasure. It was a grate used to filter out the chunks of coal where only dust is supposed to go, at DH's place of employment. I guess they got new ones and were going to throw it out. DH asked for it and paid $4.78 for it. It's solid cast steel, 38 inches across. Here is a before picture.

We did not want the support structure to be below the rack, so DH built it above. Also, due to the placement of the studs, he had to put the biggest bolts in the horizontal beam behind the top edge of the wall.

Here is an "after" picture. I am pondering placement for the hanging pots & pans. Want some for convenience, but not too cluttered. It's a fine line.

ps. Among our found treasures I failed to mention the cutting board table you see here on the right. The cutting board was a workbench top, black from use, discarded at his work. He sanded it and built a table underneath it. Recently he added a little extension on the back edge to hold my spices.

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