Thursday, May 7


Our dog, who is usually a Little White Rug with a Pulse, comes alive when she thinks we are going on a walk. She runs into the room, tongue out, tail wagging, dancing, acting all happy.

Years ago, she figured out that the leash indicated a walk was coming up. It's plastic and makes a clunking sound when we remove it from the coat hook on the wall.

Now, she has figured out many more clues. She's so smart!

I tie a plastic bag from bread or newspaper onto the leash before walking so I can scoop her poop. Now she comes running when she hears plastic bags rustling -- even if it means DH has just come home from the grocery. (I use cloth bags for groceries.)

When I put sneakers on, I often sit on the side of the tub. This excites her as sneakers often indicate a potential walk. Heels don't excite her -- only sneakers.

In similar fashion, socks might indicate a walk. Obviously, I only wear socks with sneakers, not with dress shoes. Nowadays she comes running if I open the sock drawer.

The undies drawer is just below the sock drawer. She does not react to my opening the undies drawer every morning. Just the occasional sock drawer. These are heavy wooden drawers in my armoire, not screechy plastic things. They rumble, and to my ears, they rumble identically. How does she tell the difference?

On a related note, I have recently begun putting the crusts from LO's sandwich on the floor near the pet bowls in the mornings when I pack the lunchbox. The crusts have the tiniest smidge of luncheon meat that gets trimmed when I cut the crusts from the sandwich.

Little Dog has just lately figured out the sound of LO's lunchbox unzipping, and comes running. Food?

1 comment:

Hi, My name is: Tim said...

Tim just put his earphones in and Nigel got all excited for his walk. He kind of knows when the kids go to bed it means walk, or really anytime Tim gets up from the computer and I fix my ice water and sit down to final check the email/facebook scene. That's when Tim takes him out.