Wednesday, May 6

The Week

I have been thinking about our week. I would not really call us a busy family; there are only three of us and it's not like we are always gone. Yet, I feel I am in the car quite a bit, and the times I am home are short spurts, when I accomplish little.

So here is our life:

Sunday (day of rest)
7:30 DH leaves for band practice
8:30 LO and I leave for church
10:00 Sunday School
11:00 Return home, often stopping by Taco Bell on the way
-- This is LO's normal time to clean her room
-- This is my normal time to get laundry done
2:00 (not every Sunday) LO has tennis w/friends
4:30 LO choir
5:00 Prepare dinner
5:30 Pick up LO
6:00 Dinner
7:00 to 9:00 DH and I enjoy TV on Sunday night
LO washes hair, dries, and straightens

4:30 DH arises
6:00 DH leaves for work, LO and I get up
Shower, dress, makeup, walk dog, pack LO's lunch, fix breakfast
7:15 Drive LO to school
8:15 I go to work (this is my one day at a location away from home)
1:30 Home
3:15 Pick up LO
3:50 Home; LO has snack and starts homework
Some Mondays I cover School Board meetings for paper, 5-8, then write article til 9:30
6:00 DH home
6:30 Dinner
7:00 DH leaves for his Man Group
8:00 Long walk with Little Dog
9:30 DH returns
(Some Mondays we have PTA 5-6)

Same as above, but no Man Group and I don't work away from home
8:15 Dry Cleaner
9-11 Vacuum
12-3 Interview for articles
3:30 Recycling and garbage out to curb for tomorrow morning
Some Tuesdays, I attend Planning board 4-6pm, sometimes as late as 7:30
6:00 LO to tutor
8:00 LO home from tutor
(One Tuesday a month I have Band Boosters (secretary) 5-6 or so)

Same as Tuesday, but no tutor
Bring in recycling bins and garbage can
9-1 Work on novel
Sometimes but not often I have interviews on Wednesdays
6:00 LO to piano
6:45 LO home from piano (I just wait there for her. If I came home, it would be time to go back and get her)
7:00 DH to violin
8:15 DH home from violin
In addition to our Sunday TV shows, we try to watch Idol on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thursday this is a quiet day.
Same as other days, but no music lessons
Most Thursdays, I have interviews in all parts of the county much of the day
7:00 LO to tumbling
8:15 LO home

Same as other days, but no tumbling
9:00am I go to grocery, vacuum, do laundry, fill up car
One or two times a month we go downtown together or call in supper.

DH has been working most Saturdays lately...
Change sheets
This is our day to shop, run errands, go to nearby Larger City when we have to.

In addition,
Car wash
I call to renew LO's Rx, pick up scrip from MD, take to Walgreen's, pick it up.
LO gets checkup at orthodontist
LD goes to groomer
I attend Progressive Women group at gf's house
I attend Band Booster meetings, where I serve as Secretary
I attend neighborhood pool board meetings, where I serve as Secretary
I attend Planning Board meetings
I attend School Board meetings (4x a year there are 2 in a month)

I renew my Rx on phone
DH changes oil in my car
Band concerts
Report cards
I take LO to nearby city to chemically straighten hair

Twice a year:
Each of us visits dentist

Car inspections
Renew license plates

Not listed here are social engagements, writing for pleasure, deadlines for articles (I average 2-4 articles a week), mending, brushing pets, more vacuuming, shopping, and home repair.

No wonder we never feel as if we have time.

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