In years past, the end of school was marked with a flurry of dance recitals and sports banquets. Now that we're in High School, these festive events are replaced with Studying for Exams.
We left church yesterday and skipped Sunday School so LO could come home and study for her Biology exam. She felt a little too stressed to wait out another hour. Her exam is on Wednesday.
In our state, high school students must pass state tests on some key subjects in order to graduate. One is biology.
We spent about an hour making flash cards: Who discovered the double helix? What is mitochondria?
She studied all morning and afternoon, stopping at 3pm to wash, dry and straighten her hair, then back at it.
At about 7pm she moved from the kitchen to her room, where she listened to her iPod and continued to study. I would hear her singing one moment, and the next, hear her muttering about CO2 and H2O.
She feels that she did well Friday on her Honors Geometry exam; plz send out good vibes for her on Wednesday.
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