Thursday, February 15

#32 Post flu

After dealing with a flu-like illness for three weeks, I got OUT of the habit of posting on my little blog. It seemed repetitive to post day after day, "Still sick. Still no voice."

I'm all better now and things are hopping at the Blackwell's.

Jody bought a vintage tractor for the land adjacent to Beacon Hall. We expect to close on that parcel next week. He has been busy buying parts and taking it to various mechanics to get it going. He "got a deal" on it and enjoys the mechanic-talk so all is good.

He had me make a homemade sign to post in the pasture. I tried not to make it look like a Jethro sign. Recognize that color? YES! It's a Maggie sign in disguise.

I'm working on several stories for the local paper, and in addition, have contracted to produce the biweekly semi-monthly listings of deeds, marriages and corporations. It's not glamorous work by any means, but typing is a very Zen thing for me and I'm terribly fast due to my years as a programmer. Anyway, it keeps me off the street and I'm saving the little $ for vacations. I can never remember if biweekly means every two weeks or twice a week. 😑

#2 son just spent two weeks in Viet Nam for his work and is likely, come to think of it, flying home as I type this. He is bringing his kids #2 and #3 to visit this weekend. Jody and I can't wait to see them. We haven't seen #2 since Tim's retirement last May; #3 visited in late August. They grow up so quickly. I can't wait to hear all about Viet Nam and see his pictures. He bought me a little gift and is bringing it. Nice of him to think of his Momma. ❤️

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