Wednesday, December 7

All Hail to the Decorating Diva

The old neighborhood was host to the Symphony Guild Christmas Tour of Homes this past weekend. We weren't on the Tour, but our NDN's were, and we definitely did not want to be the Scabs Next Door.

So we cleaned up the old place and it looked okay. We usually go for Simple but Tasteful, however, this year Little One asked if we could put up lights. Hmm? Lights? On the house? Yes, she replied, and on the bushes as well.

This was a New Idea. Of course, we enjoy driving around and looking at all the houses that are Brightly Lit, but to do so ourselves? We had to think, or, ponder, as our pastor says, on this one.

We came up with the idea to place greenery, boughs, on the archway leading to our porch, with lights in them. This presented a subtle touch, yet, had lights, which of course, we must do, now that Little One is an Independent Thinker. We didn't like the idea of lights on our bushes, so we didn't mention it, and she hasn't mentioned it again, so we are hoping that part is Over.

So. How to mount boughs to brick without boring a zillion holes in our elderly brick or mortar. So we placed a call to dear MIL in Tennessee. She....IS....the....Decorating....Diva. (Of the Earth.)

Simple! She gaily sang. Hot glue!

We tried it / it worked.

All Hail to the Decorating Diva. (Of the earth.)

It wasn't quite late enough in this shot to show the spotlighting effect.

Looks a little as if some lights are out on the greenery over the archway. Not. Lights were just sort of tucked behind greenery so they didn't show for this pic. They have been rearranged now.

The light you see here is not the flash, but DH's ingenious spotlight. (On a timer, no less. On at 4m, off at 11.)

This is the front door before I added lights and holly berries. Tried to get rid of flash spot with the "red-eye" feature in software, but it made it look even worse, so here it is in its untouched state. I will try to get a shot with lights/berries soon.

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

very nice decorating!