Tuesday, December 27

(Sigh) A Night to Remember

Tonight, about 15 or 20 friends and neighbors came to the house to surprise me with a 50th birthday pary.

It was perfect.

We had a house full of family people, kids running everywhere, babies toddling, folks talking. The oldest was 79 and the youngest, 15 months.

Turns out, Little One proposed to DH last week, "Papaw, we've got to throw Nana a party for her birthday!!" ... And, turns out, he agreed. Imagine that.

She wrote up an invitation. Haven't seen one yet but I hear it's priceless. He made copies on our scanner/faxer/printer/copier (if you don't have one of these, you must get one. They are IT.)

Both of them distributed them to whomever they thought should come.

I have been in house-cleaning mode last couple of days, trying to clear the Christmas clutter out. Little One actually helped today, voluntarily. It was pretty fishy, come to think of it. DH said he was in a mood to BBQ some wings tonight. Sure, I said.

He was outside cooking. He said, why don't you go take a load off your feet. I said, sure. We had a fire in the fireplace and candles going on, so I turned on the TV and sat down with a beer. I was actually dozing off when a neighbor stopped by and chatted with me. We were talking away when in ran DH, the pizza man, and a dozen or so neighbors.

"Surprise!" they shouted.

This all happened about 6pm. It's 9pm now and they are all home. Sounds like a short party to you, but it was perfect for me. They came, we cleaned out a crapload of wings and 10 pizzas, a good bit of beer and a couple bottles of wine. Good talk, hugs and kisses, cake and ice cream. When the babies started fussing for bedtime, the younger adults said their goodnights, and soon thereafter, those without babies followed.

I feel loved, cherished, and, fifty.

If you are one of the dear friends who came by,


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