Saturday, December 3

Catching Up

I have taken quite a long respite from blogdom in order to neaten up the appearance of our home. The Symphony Guild is having their Christmas Tour of Homes in our dear old neighborhood, and one of the homes on the tour is next door. Well, we could NOT be the Scabs Who Live Next Door so we have been working our proverbial (if not literal) butts off. Raked, picked up about 4 gallons of pecans (that's the easy part -- now to crack and shell), got wreaths, made bows, installed hangers, hung, made tiny wreath for my little studio window, raked more, loaded flowerbeds with pine straw, hot-glued hangers to entryway for greenery & lights (thank you mother-and-father-in-law for the scoop on how to hang things onto brick.)

Whew. That's not all. The exterior light to the upstairs entryway (which faces said next-door-neighbors) was broken so DH had to get new lampparts and rewire and reinstall. Took down my Thanksgiving grapevine from around front door and installed greenery/lights. Called City to vacuum streets on Friday so they would be clean for The Tour. (They even sent the street washers to follow the vacuum trucks. Love this town sometimes.)

So. Now we look -- well, not great enough to BE on the tour, but good enough to be next door to the tour. 8-}

Took a trip out of town on Tuesday for training on how to be on the Zoning Board of Adjustments, which I've served on all summer and fall, with no training. Very glad to get that. Our City staff person offered to take a van. I figured he was saving me the trouble of getting lost, so I took him up on the offer. All in all, there were three men and me. We arrived there in time, had the training, dinner and Q&A. I was anxious to return home before the finale of The Biggest Loser, this great show about fat people who go to a spa for 12 weeks and compete to see who can lose the most weight. Anyhoo, as we left the building, each and every one of the men was confused and could not remember where on earth we had parked the van. Sooo gratifying.

Well, all week as I have been un-blogging, I have been making mental notes, "When I do get to blog, I need to put this or that in..." and now that I am actually online, I'm suffering the old Brain Freeze. What are the insurgents putting in our water?

Til next time..........

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