Thursday, January 31

Don't Loose

DH's dear uncle sent us a Christmas card with his personalized scrawl at the bottom. "Don't Loose any more Fingers."

We had to laugh. DU knew we would.

I had to consider this advice Monday night when I sliced through my fingernail while chopping spinach for the potato soup. It bled a bit at the time and I really thought I had a bad cut on my hands (oops pun alert) but it does not seem to be a bad cut. It is quite sore but there, I have already complained more than DH did when he lost his finger. In fact, we later saw the hospital writeup and there is a section for the ER staff to describe the emotional condition of the patient. The nurse had written, "Stoic."

One more picture to share. Our cat Daniel loves to get in the kitchen sink. We don't know why. He did not get in the old sink, but this one he just loves. It is deep enough that we don't know he's in it unless he sticks his head up out of it. We've been wanting a picture of it forever, but he has gotten used to our scat!-ing him out of it, so now if he sees us, he jumps out. DH caught him last night.

Got to love that smile.

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