Tuesday, June 30


DH has been home on a staycation for the past week-and-half and it's been a godsend. I have been on the go from morn til night, interviewing people for articles, sitting through boring meetings for articles, meeting with people about running for public office, and fulfilling volunteer obligations. It's been insane.

He has busied himself with running electricity and water to our little building in the back yard. A fellow came by last night and used a Ditch Witch to dig a furrow from the house to the shed. He charged DH less than it would cost to rent one from the home improvement store.

DH worked past dark burying the conduit and water lines, and refilling the hole. Today he has been fitting the circuit box and faucets. He's happy when he has a little project. Not so happy when he has a major one.

Our garden is lovely this year. We don't have tomatoes yet, but we truly enjoy watching the beans' progress up the trellis. Some days they are 5" higher than the day prior. We are amazed.

I have always loved observing the little bat-ropes the beanstalks throw to pull themselves up. Nature is much more elegant than men's devices.

LO is busily reading the novels for her Honors English assignments. After completing the two novels, she must write essays and complete questions. The work is due on July 13, her second day at Band Camp, so I will turn it in for her.

I am a Mean Old Nana who restricted her from All Things Electronic when I realized she doesn't do much of anything other than watch TV, play on the computer, and text friends on her telephone. For one week she is being asked to Do Other Things. It is my fervent hope she can discover other fun things to do for a fuller and more rewarding life.

Understandably, the first day was officially No Fun. For any of us.

Today it got a little better. She called a zillion friends to set up a kickball game at a nearby elementary school. I was proud of her ingenuity. We'll see how it turns out...

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