Sunday, September 11

Delayed Return

My DS who is in Iraq (thanks, W) called this afternoon for 2 big reasons. First of all, he wanted to welcome DH into the I-cut-off-my-pinkie-with-a-power-tool club. The two of them commiserated for a few minutes.

Finally, he got to his real news. He found out, today, 1 day before departure, that he is not to go home yet. The guy who let him know, has known for a month.

DS was pretty upset -- but, typically enough -- his pain was for his wife & kids. "Couldn't they have let me know before we got the chain down to 3 links??" he called out. Sorry, DS, nobody's listening. The Repubs are in charge. W has a point to prove. Myself, I don't get the point, but then, I'm a Leftie.

If only he can stay in the good Lord's bubble of safety til returning home, I can wait.

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