Friday, September 30

Technology Trouble

My deadline for the garbage article was 8 minutes ago. I emailed it to my editor, who has been having email trouble for a week or two now. Even though I made my deadline, I am unsure if she will receive it, so I may have to drive it over, or email it to someone else there in the building who can save it to their computer system for her to edit.

Technology trouble is so threatening. After blogging about my news stories (we use the term, 'news,' here very loosely) I remembered an article I had written, that I had left out of my blog. After completing my article this morning, I tried to insert a paragraph into my blog describing that forgotten article. Typed the paragraph, clicked on "Publish" and an error message popped up. "Cannot locate the blog requested." Hmm. Pulled up the entry once again to insert the paragraph. "This isn't so bad," I thought. On writing it the second time, I re-worded some sentences so they were clearer or better written, or more descriptive. In good humor, I faithfully clicked once more on, "Publish." Error message. "Cannot locate the blog requested." Pleaseohpleaseohplease don't let my blog be gone. Logged off and back on. Looked at my blog. It's there, with yesterday's entry, but not today's improvements. Went through to edit again. Third time to write the silly paragraph and I was not as good a sport as the second time. Had the distinct feeling there were some good words I used earlier, that I was not remembering this time. Publish. "Cannot locate the blog requested."

Editor just called. She did *not* receive my garbage story yet and asked me to send it to her co-editor. Did so. Now I am here, mostly to see if it will take a new posting, even though it won't update a prior one. Deep breath, click Publish, and....

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