Monday, October 3

Garbage Story Ran Today

Please note. This photo is copyrighted and belongs to Local Paper. I believe as long as I am not making profit on it, I can post it here...

The garbage story (heavily edited for space) ran today in the local paper. To read it, click on In the "search" window, key in my first and last name, and click on "find." A whole list of my articles will come up -- click on the garbage story to read it.

To DH's mom & stepdad: you have a copy in the mail. It should arrive by Tuesday. If you'd rather read it on paper, you can wait for the real thing.

Many of my words were left out. I am in the process of trying to compare my original version with the edited one to see what I can learn from the editing. My usual editor typically edits very little if anything at all. Her co-editor did it this time and she really moved things around and omitted not only isolated words, but entire paragraphs and concepts. Yet, this is the first article I've written that prompted a call from Usual Editor just to say what a good job it was. Sigh. I am a little confused but trying to learn from it all.

Maybe I need to just roll along. Trip to NCSSM is on Wednesday. Yea!

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