Monday, November 17

School Project

LO had to prepare a project for Language Arts Class this weekend: display 6 items mentioned in the book, "Where the Lilies Bloom" that can be used in the modern world. She chose 6 herbs mentioned in the book. 

We went to the local natural foods store and bought the herbs from the bulk section, then got some teeny ziplock bags. I had a package of precut letters, ala bulletin board style, that I had seen at Dollar Tree and picked up in case she ever would need them.  She not only looked up the medicinal applications of each herb, but also got the botanical names for them.

DH and I went last night to a gathering for a friend who is moving to Washington state (note envy here.) Another friend, who owns an art gallery, hosted the going-away party at the gallery. It was delightful. We made an appearance and scooted away within a half-hour so as to catch Our Man on 60 Minutes. 

LO finished her project while we were gone. I thought it turned out well. Here's at a pic. 

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