Tuesday, December 9

Another Viewpoint

A 13-year-old's take on Christmas.

"Ok, so I get the whole thing about dressing up and trying to make little kids happy. But, really, who wants a bunch of strange kids sitting on their lap? Is that not a little creepy?? Like, Michael Jackson??

And what about that song? 'He sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you're awake'? Is Santa my own personal stalker?

The whole thing creeps me out -- just like the Chik-Fil-A cow. Creepy." (Shudder)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this and thought of Rena...

If you're skiing in Sweden and get hungry for a Happy Meal, no worries. Sweden has a ski-through McDonald's.

McDonald's isn't a personal fav, but I thought this an interesting bit of trivia about Sweden.

And that is my contribution to the report :-) Beth