Saturday, December 13


I hate to admit it publicly, but I usually eat my breakfast while I look at the computer. Bowl of cereal in one hand, mouse in the other. I hunch over the keyboard and bowl, alternately clicking and spooning. Usually. Make that, if I eat breakfast, that's how I eat it. If I'm in a rush, I grab a piece of fruit on the way to the car.

Today LO was on the computer with the gf who slept over last night. They are working together on their science fair project this year, and needed to do some research together.

It was my breakfast time.

Having the computer occupado made me stop and think. I had the option to use the laptop, as I am now, but, hey, I thought, eating while computing might not be the best habit. I started to get the newspaper so I could do the crossword and Sudoku. Then I stopped. Had a radical idea. Hmm. I think I will just. eat. breakfast. Consider it an experiment.

So I did. I learned a lot about myself.

First of all, I noticed I was wolfing my cereal down, hunched over my bowl, like a doggone animal. Hm. So I straightened up and took my time.

The cat came in and drank her water. I actually watched her, and listened to that lovely little sound. I looked around. I saw a lot of dirt from this vantage point that I never notice when I breeze in to throw together a meal. The birds sang. My plant needs watering.

It really was interesting. I think I'll do it again -- soon.

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