Thursday, February 5


OK, when you see my blog and the title is as unimaginative as what day of the week it is, you can pretty well know, yawn, that, um, you can surf on. Pass me by.

Not that things have been boring around here. Au contraire. I've been like the proverbial hamster, churning that squeaky exercise wheel. But interesting? Not so sure.

Yesterday I was once again tied to the computer to complete the articles about our school system's performance. It took all day. I developed spreadsheets from the state website, and forwarded them to the graphics guy to make them pretty enough to print.

Then, using the spreadsheets, I compared this school to that one, our system to other school systems, our system to the state average.


But, hey, it's work.

Little Bit slept over last night. Now that she's getting the hang of being at Nana's, she is settling right in. She knows where stuff belongs and helps herself. Speaks up. This morning, I asked her if she wanted eggs or pancakes. She didn't hesitate. "Pancakes!" she smiled.

She had not done her homework last night (I was at a class and did not get to see her til this morning,) so she got it done as she ate and finished it up in the car.

LO's cell phone bit the dust. She thought we'd run out and buy her the latest. Noop. I dug out my old flipper and gave it to her. I offered to buy her a skin for it online, but she told me it is so hideous there was absolutely no sense putting a skin on it; it would not help. "It has an antenna," she complained. "What kind of antique has an antenna?"

Oh, well.

I journeyed to a city an hour away last night for a writing workshop. The teacher has 3 children's novels in print, published by real publishers, not vanity presses. That's a big factor nowadays when so many ppl are self-publishing. As my gf said, "That's like having your trophy made without running the race."

We are emailing our Chapter 1s to each other today. Yikes!

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