Wednesday, April 4

#40 Just a Moment -- Every Day

I've been spending quite a bit of time in my little home office, a quirky little room upstairs at the front of the house. There's a little 3-foot high arched window that faces the front yard, and I suppose most people think that's the attic up there.

But it's my office.

We bought this house in 1996 from the adult children of the people who built our house in 1933. It had been on the market for over three years and most everyone in town, it seemed, had walked through it at one time or another.

When their daughter grew up and got married, the parents converted the attic into a little apartment and the little front room (my office) was the kitchen. Apparently they installed the refrigerator before completing the walls. When we decided to move it out, it would not fit through any of the upstairs doors. My sweet hubby had to dismantle it with a jigsaw. We sold the tiny 3-burner stove on yard sale to a family with a vintage camper who said it would fit just perfectly. I hope it worked.

The room is long and narrow with two dormer alcoves where you can perfectly hit your head a dozen times a week, even if you've had your office there for years. One of the alcoves is the perfect little reading nook, with a chair and a cushion for the dog.

I love my office. It's odd and quirky and I feel it suits me perfectly. Pinned on the wall are photos and notes and reminders of family and friends over the years.

So every morning after I fire up my computer, and before I get down to whatever work inspires me that day, I take just a moment. A moment for me. I reflect on this life and my blessings and friends and family. I look around, maybe at the dog sleeping, at the reading chair I picked up at a yard sale for 12 bucks and had recovered, at art supplies and computers and stuff, and I take a breath.

I am incredibly grateful for my crazy life and this little room sort of captures it all for me.

Just a moment. Every day. #LoveMyLife

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