Thursday, March 22

#39 Retirement

It sometimes seems that everyone I see asks, "How's retirement?"

I always answer, "Lovely, thank you!" -- but frankly, it is very weird.

Here are the good parts:
I wear Chucks every day. I've only worn heels twice: once when interviewing a CEO for the Post (more on that in a moment;) and when I've spoken to 3rd graders at City Hall. The current Council all work so I have agreed to fill in on addressing 3rd graders when no one can make it.
I have decided I am going to wear Chucks everywhere I go, regardless of the venue. If I wear Chucks to a funeral and someone doesn't like it, they can deal.

I sometimes get to sleep late. Since I drive A to preschool twice a week and tutor twice a week, I have to get up and get going more than I'd like. Yet I guess it's a good thing to have something to make me get up.

I have fewer headaches, both figuratively and physically. The former Mayor who *loved* to call and scream at me is no longer in my life. Heck, I don't watch Council online and rarely read the news articles about them.

I get more grandchildren time.

The negatives:
I have yet to find a good rhythm to my new life. I'm free-lancing for the Post again, which is great, but the work is irregular which means my life has jam-packed days and little-to-do days. I'd rather have a routine.

Lots of illness. I had eye surgery at Christmas and the flu for 3 weeks in January. I've had a monster cold this week. A pinched nerve in my neck since November finally got so painful I have sought serious help for it. This week I am using chiropractor, physical therapy AND massage to try and finally heal it. The physical therapist thinks it's a bulging disk rather than a pinched nerve. The pinched nerve is my own diagnosis and heck, what do I know?  All these health issues are probably a good reason that I have not yet been able to develop a routine.

Overall I hope to:
Meditate every morning (very off/on these days)
Practice yoga at least every other day.

Day by day I feel I am getting closer to my goal. My sweet hubby is very good at realizing not everything is instant. Me, I'm still learning. #LoveMyLife

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