Thursday, August 18

The (Amazing) Stove is In

She arrived yesterday, in a truck that carried her, only her, all the way from Houston to Smalls-bury. Arrived on a pallet, blanketed with styrofoam, cardboard, and shrink-wrap. Dear Husband and half the men in the neighborhood got her in the house with little fanfare. She weighs 381 pounds. Other neighbors arrived throughout the day today to pay homage to the Queen.

She is perfect in her spot. Regal, she is the centerpiece of the kitchen, but yet, being the same color, (white) is not too ostentatious. She simply takes her rightful place as the Monarch of the Kitchen.

I spent all day cleaning her.
The man from the gas company arrives tomorrow to certify her, on our request. We want to be sure all the regulators are in the correct positions, and there are no leaks, before turning it on.

I remarked to DH this evening: It's a sin to like a material possession this much. <>

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