Monday, August 22

School starts soon . . .

School starts this Thursday and Little One vacillates between excitement and dread. Every adult we see asks her, "Ready for school?" She spent an hour or so today organizing her school supplies and bookbag; yesterday when we ran into a teacher at the store, she said she is totally NOT ready for school, thank you very much. I fully believe she is honest on both accounts. So often I anticipate an event and dread it at the same time. I can really identify.
Tonight was our first night of going back to bedtimes. She's been staying up to about 10pm most nights this summer, and sleeping til 10 or 11am. Tonight she went to bed at 9 and we will wake up at 7 tomorrow, working our way through the week until we can get up at 6:30 on Wednesday, and of course, on Thursday.
She received her teacher assignment yesterday. She got the teacher she wanted, but alas, her two closest friends did not. All three of them are assigned to the three different teachers. Homeroom is only about half the day, though, and they are all in AG together, so it will all work out. (Easy for me to say.)
As for me, I am ambivalent myself about being alone during the days again. On the one hand, I can get so much more done. On the other hand, she is great company and I genuinely enjoy her company.
I was on deadline today for another article and had virtually no time with her all day, except for breakfast and supper. Ideally, I can get these things done while she's at school and really be with her when she gets home.
When I tucked her in bed tonight, she was unusually upbeat about going to bed at a bedtime again. I'm betting she truly is "ready for school."

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