Tuesday, August 30

Tears of Joy

I'm too old to cry.
7:45am here. I just took Little One to school and, on the way back, stopped at the site for The Park. It is a tangle of overgrown brush, a mess, really. One side of the creek is a bog and the other side is an overgrown field surrounded by jungle.
Tonight, that could all begin to change. I sat there, trying to visualize the beautiful plan they've drawn up, superimposed on the green mayhem. It's so surreal -- that I could just have this random idea: "Let's go for a park!" and now it may actually become reality.
Drove home, grapped a cuppa, and checked the DILs' blogs. Both of them blog, and both of them typically blog late at night, so early morning is a good time to catch up. (But, both of them, like me, blog somewhat erratically!)
Both of them had updates online so I settled in for a good update. Read the NYC DIL first. Good newsy update on baby and my DS.
Then read DIL who is married to my son who is in Iraq. In 13 days, he will be home!! Those tears that were stinging my eyes earlier began to pour down my cheeks. Her blog said he is so discouraged, so tired, that even the knowledge that he's coming home did little to improve his spirits. My heart aches. Dear God, You have been so good to protect him through today. Please, Lord, keep him safe through his return home. And, please, Lord, give W a clue that each of our sons and daughters is NOT disposable.
His babies are thrilled at the prospect of having Daddy back. DIL is cleaning, organizing, cooking, shopping.

Life is good.

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