Tuesday, August 23

Saving the Interview

Had an article in the paper today that was the result of interviewing several 80+ year olds in the community. They all grew up in the neighborhood and remember riding the streetcar when it was still here. To find today's article, go to salisburypost.com and in the "search" window, key in my first and list names, then click on "find."
Well, my digital audio recorder holds so much information, and in the interest of having more interviews in the future, I have to keep old interviews cleaned off it. It just kills me to erase this interview knowing in a few short years, these dear people and their memories will be gone forever. Wouldn't it be cool to save the interview to the pc and burn a cd of it? It's a digital recorder...
Well, I guess it's not that easy. In my little pea-brain, I want to connect to the 'audio-out' on my digital recorder, and the 'mic-in' on my pc. Using Windows Recorder, click on 'record' while clicking, 'play' on my recorder. Simple enough?
Went to Circuit City to find such a cable. Surely there is one, or enough adapters in the world to create one.
The dude tried to sell me a $50 contraption, big box, to connect your computer to your stereo. "I don't want to spend $50," I politely told him. Following that, he had total attitude, and that was that.
The attitude was so obvious that, as we were walking out, Little One said, "Hey, Nana, was it my imagination, or was that guy covered up with attitude?" Had to smile.
Hey, if you haven't taken your kid to see, "Sky High," or if the name misled you into thinking it's a teen film about being, well, high (remember Cheech & Chong?) well, get over it and take 'em. Cute flick for the tweenagers in your life. Too grown-up for little kids and a little immature for the true teenagers. But cute all the same, and how funny to see Kurt Russell back in a Disney film. Catch it when Linda Carter says, "I'm not Wonder Woman, you know." Look closely for Cloris Leachman. Not an epic by any means, but a fun way to pass the afternoon with your tween. That's it for tonight. Peace.

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