Wednesday, April 23

Aww How Sweet

Ever watch "Jon & Kate Plus 8"? It comes on TLC on Monday nights. It's the reality TV show that follows a couple who had twins, then 4 years later had sextuplets. When it started, they had 2, 6-year-olds, and 6, 2-year-olds.

My DIL doesn't care for it because the mom (Kate) is a little harsh with her children. And, she is. It's a fair appraisal. I still watch it. Not sure why, unless it's just the open-mouthed wondering, "How do they survive from day to day?"

Nonetheless, the husband (Jon) has a digital camera that he can handle and Kate cannot. Every time they have an outing, Kate establishes, "I hate that camera." Sometimes she even says, "I loathe that camera."

My own husband has a digital camera and I am absolutely certain it is the same exact camera Jon has. I loathe it.

At one time I fancied myself to be quite the photographer. I have an old gf who still has an 11x14 matted & framed photograph that I took, hanging in her living room, over the mantel. I have a Canon EOS from the 1980's that rocked. We took lots of pictures together (the camera and I).

Now it's old, not digital, and needs repair, and at some point I just parked it. Our town is so small that it does not have a camera shop (the great steamroller WalMart rolls over another business) and, besides, we have a digital camera.

I cannot take ONE decent picture with The Monster. I loathe it. It's not that I'm incompetent; I was quite the systems analyst in my day, and have done quite nicely with much better, and more expensive, and more complicated, cameras. This camera just sucks. At a recent band concert, some friends' camera's battery died. Right there in the concert. "Here, use ours," I told the husband. I figured since he has a penis (I guess he does), he can take pictures with it. Aha. Even his pictures came out crappy. So it's not just me. And, it's not a woman thing. Our friend proved it.

DH has made light of my distaste for The Monster until one day a couple of weeks ago, I politely said, "PLEASE get me a simple digital camera for Mother's Day. One that doesn't weigh 8 pounds. One that has a "click and go" feature. One that I can actually use."

I was very clear.


DH was recently notified that his 20th anniversary is upcoming at work. His HR folks pointed him to an online catalog and identified what gifts he can select.

How nice a guy is this. He chose (1) a gold charm with 3 tiny diamonds in it, and (2) a simple, small, lightweight camera. Both


The camera arrived today.

Will post pics very soon.

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