Wednesday, April 9

Talent Show

Little One decided to play, "Wait for You" for the annual school talent show. This is the song sung by Elliott Yamin from American Idol. Yes, he's the one who had his teeth fixed.

At the audition, she was advised by the, well, the advisor, that this is more of a vocal piece than an instrumental, and she would need to play and sing it. YIKES! Immediate pre-teen trauma.

She practiced for a month. We scheduled extra time with her piano teacher for voice coaching. Those who were selected for the show (yes, some were not selected) have practiced after school for 2 weeks. The three of us have undergone tears, hours of endless playing, and yes, a teensy bit of crabby behavior.

Here is where we thank the Talent Show Advisor (aka Awesome Band Director) and Piano Teacher (superstar of the earth) for their patient support of a sometimes cranky preteen.

This is the result. At the end of the video, you can hear someone yell, "YEAH!" That would be DH.

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