Sunday, April 6

The Table

So we went to church today, all of us, in three vehicles. DH first in Edison, to practice with the band at 7:30. DS2, DDIL and 3 GB's in the van, and LO and me in Zelda, all at 8:40 for the contemporary service.

I had prepped the kids first. There will be a children's service, but the pastor will call you up to the steps to sit just so he can tell you the story in a good kids' way. You don't have to go up. But I want you to know he isn't going to take you out of the room, and you won't have to go to a class afterward. You just come right back and sit with us again. Oh, and, all the slow music you have heard in church? Our service has happy, fast music that's fun to sing. Papaw will play the guitar and the chubby man is great on the drums.

Well, Papaw played the guitar all right, and the chubby man rocked, as usual, on the drums, but we did not have children's church because today was Communion day, and that would take too long. We did not sing fast, happy songs. We sang fairly slow, dreary contemporary songs, definitely not the ones I would have chosen for the oneandonly day my dear GBs visit.

So when I saw the Table laid for Communion, I whispered to DDIL, "I didn't realize today was Communion Sunday, but I want to let you know at our church it is open to all who believe in Christ." She smiled and nodded.

The 2 grandsons did a super job of listening and being still. DGD is only 3 and she sat with Mommy for quite a while before I asked her to sit on Nana's lap. We tried my rings on all her fingers, she shone the sparkles from my earrings around, and she made faces in my compact for a few minutes.

Then it was time for Communion. "We are going to have a little cracker and a cup of juice to remember Jesus, okay?" I took her hand and joined the line. As she approached the Elders, they smiled and stooped down to offer the bread and wine to her. She was a perfect little lady as she took only one cracker and carefully took the tiny cup of grape juice. We walked back the seats in silence and I was thanking God for this angelic little girl. She had done it! It went so well. We situated in the chairs, she ate the toast and drank the juice. Then she turned to me and said in a good, clear, voice, "That was good, Nana, but I'm still hunnngry."

Aren't grandchildren great?

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