Saturday, April 5

The Visit

Visiting for 5 days are my DS2, my DDIL, and their 3 awesome kids. Oh, and their gorgeous bearded collie, Nigel. We have had so many quotables already.
We are a blogging family, and much as I hate to admit it, before logging on here to blog, I sneaked a peek at DDIL's blog to see what she had to say about our visit, even though she is just upstairs reading to the babies, and I could ask her myself, in a few. Sigh. That's just how we communicate, by blog.
Twice in one hour today, we commented that this or that was a bloggable moment. We came up with a new descriptor: totally bloggable.
The children have done so well for being away from home, make that, not actually having a home at the moment. They will fly to Japan in 10 days, closed out their house in DC this week, and are visiting family in-between. I am so thankful they are staying for a nice long visit here.
Already we have visited the park, learned to play Othello, jousted with the Papo knights, and had a Japanese lesson.
I have been wanting to crochet cotton dishcloths, vintage-style, for years, and DDIL has patiently shown, and re-shown me how to complete this stitch or that. I am already half done with one dishcloth and already have my eye on another.
Tomorrow we will experience seeing Papaw play guitar at church. In the afternoon, DDIL, LO and I are taking a Girls' Date to see 27 Dresses. The men will tend babies and grill chicken, weather permitting.
Monday DDIL is visiting my yoga class and the grandbabies are taking a field trip to the school where I mentor, to see what they don't have to suffer (ie, standing in line, waiting while Teacher corrects other children, doing work we already understand...). It is Book Fair day and I promised my mentees I would come for lunch and take them to the Book Fair.
Finally, we are waiting for sunshine so we can enjoy the park.

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