Monday, July 7

The Math of Biking

OK. Yoga class is 4.3 miles away.
Zelda gets about 20 mpg in town.
So going to yoga takes about 1/5 a gallon of fuel.
Diesel fuel is right at $5 a gallon.
It costs me a dollar to drive to yoga.
Another dollar to drive home.
I go to yoga twice a week.
That's $4 a week PLUS the cost of yoga.
My dad always reminded me there are not 4 weeks in a month, but 4.3
4.3 weeks times $4 savings a week = $17.20 I can save by riding my bike.

...Did you know Google maps now allow you to drag the route line anywhere you want?
So I put in Point A (home) and Point B (yoga class). Of course the line shows the straightest way, right down Main Street. I clicked the line and dragged it to a long, straight way, OFF Main Street (less traffic, btw less hills also, tee hee) and was able to see clearly the way to go. AND it calculated for me how long it is; that's how I got the 4.3.

Got to get ready. Later...

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