Tuesday, July 15

Shakespeare Had It Right

The Repubs make me laugh, but it is a bitter chortle. Their noise and pretense is so tiresome. Can't they see their Decider has failed? Could they not see what an idiot he is the first time he could not say the word, "nuclear" ? Or the second time? --Or the 110th? Hey, W, it's nook-lee-ar. Not noo-kyah-lar.
Pretense is a facade to cover a fear of inadequacy, and the Repubs have always had it, but now in megadoses. I have to confess if we lose this election, it will be our own faults. W has handed it to us on a silver platter.
My Honors English teacher in high school (had her every year) had us line up outside her office twice a week so we could come in individually and recite our memory passages. I never thought I would need them as an adult. Oddly enough, they have often come in handy. Here's one that applies today.
Shakespeare did not know McCain; he wasn't born til a year or two after the Bard passed away. But he knew of his bluster:

"It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

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