Tuesday, July 29

How to Create a Monster

Our Little Dog will be 10 in December of this year. She is smarter than we think.
Much smarter.
Much, much smarter.

We have always enjoyed letting her out when we go sit on the front porch. She enjoys lying in the yard, in the shade, watching the runners run by, the strollers stroll by, even the occasional dog.

Over the past year or two, when we are ready to go in, and we call her name, she does not come. We can call, "Come!" She doesn't come. She either continues to survey the scenery, or rolls her head back towards us and lazily gazes over as if it say, "Did you say something?"

I attributed it to her age. Felt she was getting a little ornery as she becomes an old woman.

So I bought treats.

Little did I know it was all her original plan.

Bacon Beggin' Treats. If she comes on the first call, she gets a treat.

Now she comes a-runnin'.

When we finish up a walk, she gets quite peppy as we walk up the front walk. Puts on her "treat face." Sometimes (ok, usually) I give in and give her a treat. But, just once a day.

Now, when we are inside, she LOOKS AT ME. ALL DAY LONG. Just -- LOOKS AT ME.

Yesterday, she began to give her signs for needing to go out, a bit more frequently.

Now our pattern is, and has been, one good walk in the morning. Quickie to tee-tee at noon. Medium walk at 4pm. Good walk between 7 and 9, depending on what we are watching on TV. Quickie to tee-tee before we go to bed.

Holy moly. Now she wants to walk at 8am. 9am. 10:30. Noon. She is getting addicted to these treats, and does not understand I will only give her ONE a DAY.

A friend asked me the perfect question: Who is training whom?

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