Wednesday, July 16

Music Camp

LO is away at Music Camp. She calls every morning to check in.
Today she called from breakfast at the Dining Hall. Yesterday she had loaned her phone charger to her roommate, so was unable to call me first thing. She got a gf to return to the dorm between classes so she could check in at about 10am.
I called her Monday night (very un-cool) as I was really missing her and wanted to know how things were going. She was in the dorm hall with many others. Music was playing loudly and girls were chattering away everywhere. She had to raise her voice to talk to me. I had to repeat everything I said to her; she could not hear the first time.
Lights-out is at 11:30. (Last year it was 10:30, but this year she is a big 8th grader.) I asked what time her first class is in the mornings. It's at 8am but breakfast is at 7 so she has to get up at 6:20. When I told DH about this and fretted about her getting tired, he broadly grinned and said, "She'll be fine. This is great."
There is an event every evening to gather all the students together. Monday night they had the faculty concert. Last night they had a movie. One of the nights they will have a dance. She thrives on this stuff.
The girl beside her in the flute section has the same birthday. They have pretty much hung out together so far this week.
She has 5 other friends on her hall. This morning when she called, she reported she was sitting at breakfast with 5 gf's and 1 boy.
I asked about the music. She said it is extremely hard. At first she did not think she would be able to play it, but is surprised at the progress she is making. "This is good," she mused. "When I get back to school, I will be a person who can play this hard music."
I am proud of her perspective.

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