Thursday, November 23

#12 Thankful

It’s Thanksgiving morning and the sun is just coming up. Birds are beginning to chirp outside my door and it promises to be another beautiful, clear day with a sky of Carolina  blue.
It’s been a whirlwind week. Hubby and I were treated to a trip to the top of the nearby water tower. I cast my last vote as a sitting Council member. I rode in the local Christmas parade in a red ‘62 Chevrolet Impala. Convertible.
Our kitchen is jammed with food waiting to be cooked. In a few short hours our home will be filled with family and friends. Babies. Laughter. Music. I feel so, so rich, and immensely grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Postscript. Dear Hubby took this amazing picture of our sweet great-grandson. His eyes opened wide when he saw me in the parade. If you zoom way in, you can see my red '62 Impala reflected in his loving eyes.

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