Tuesday, February 12

Cool Veg Info

I was cruising one of my old favorite websites, http://www.organizedhome.com/, this morning. Wow, it has changed quite a bit since I have been there. It now has a section on Green Living, and of course I scooted right over there. It included the following info, which I already knew, but you may not. Here it is:

Go meatless once a week. If you're not already practicing a vegetarian
diet, consider cutting back on the amount of meat in you consume. As Frances
Moore Lappé pointed out in her bestselling book,
Diet for a Small Planet, livestock production absorbs sixteen pounds of grain and soy feed for every pound of meat that actually gets to the plate. Each calorie of animal protein requires 78 calories of fossil fuels to produce, and irrigation directly associated with livestock production (including feeds) amounts to about half of all the consumed water in the United States.
Give meatless substitutes like Boca Burgers a try, or scan vegetarian recipes
for healthy and earth-friendly meal ideas.

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