Thursday, February 28

RANT continued

OK I posted a little over an hour ago and here is what has transpired since. In the ABSENCE of a callback from the manager, I caved in and did call Time Warner Cable with the prescribed message from AT&T. I got a sympathetic CSR and was momentarily optimistic. She made the appropriate shushing sounds and soothed my soul -- for about 4 minutes. At that point she transferred me to the XX department where I hung on hold for THIRTY EIGHT FRIKKING MINUTES.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

On the thirty-ninth minute, I hung up. Redialed. Re, re, re, RE-explained my plight to the CSR of the moment. (Not the same one who had psyche! "calmed" me earlier. She put me on hold to check. Came back and apologized for the hold time. That department is busy. Shall I put you on hold again or take your number for a callback?

(NO!! I fell for the callback trick earlier today!!)

"I'll hold, thank you."

I held 22 more minutes. She returned.

"Mrs. Blackwell, it seems your number has been released to AT&T and there is nothing further we can do for you here."

"Can you suggest to me what step I take next? This is my ninth call of the day. I have been on the phone almost 3 hours trying to resolve this matter. I want my phone number back, and I am very tired."

"Call AT&T and tell them the number has been sent to them."

Sigh. "OK. Thank you."

She brightens at my momentary courtesy. "Is there anything else I can help with today?"

I didn't mean to. I really didn't. I was completely, totally, honest.

"Well, to be utterly frank, you have not been a bit of help at all, and it took you a half an hour to do it. There will be nothing further."


"Yes, ma'am. Have a good day."

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