Thursday, February 28


In the 80's I was so into the 'women are equal' thing that I truly cheated myself out of a lot. It contributed to the failure of my second marriage. It definitely made my life much more difficult. I wouldn't let men carry anything for me, or open doors, or treat me as the softer sex. I really regret it now.

I finally, after almost four hours of frustration, anger, scheming, begging, threatening on the telephone, called my Dear Sweet Strong Husband and spilled the beans. Sobbed. Told him how powerless I feel. How frustrated I am. Apologized for calling him @ work and crying on him.

Now. DH can sometimes be a bit insensitive to my feelings. Heck, we are all guilty of that sometimes.

Today he rose to the occasion. Put his hands on his hips, puffed out his chest (metaphorically) and said, "I'll save you."

It reminded me of why I fell in love with him in the beginning.

HE asked for the phone numbers. Told me to let it go. Said you have to laugh.

Easy to laugh when you haven't been lobbed over the net for four hours.

But I am blithely, gladly, happily, LETTING GO.

smirk, smirk. Interested to see how it turns out. I can't lose. There are two outcomes possible:
  1. He gets nowhere and totally understands why I broke down.
  2. He gets it settled and the whole episode is over.

Ah. I'm a free woman. Now, what should with my day -- the half hour remaining before I go pick up LO?

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