Tuesday, February 12

Kids' Take on Chinese New Year

My DIL is just the best mom around. When we returned from the trip into DC, she encouraged the little ones to draw a pic of their experience. Here are the best efforts from my two awesome grandsons.

This is actually a portion of the next drawing. The paper was legal-sized and the scanner was letter-sized. This depicts GS1 at the vendor booth on the street, selecting his Ninja Sword for purchase.

This is the remainder of his picture, showing the people holding the dragon for the parade. I love how he captured the antennae. The dragons actually did have antennae, although it is not necessarily something I would have imagined. All the pictures were drawn from memory, without any photos around to help them remember.

This is GS2's drawing. One of the more magnificent dragons was, in fact, yellow. The people who supported it had only their legs visible -- their heads were hidden in the costume. I love the way he picked up on this. Also, this particular dragon was led by a costumed man waving a shiny ball, sort of like a pet toy for dragons. He noticed this, too. In case you are reading-impaired, the caption says, "The Yellow Dragon Attack."

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